Monday 9 January 2012

A clematis question?

I have a clematis that is back for the third year now. The problem is it blooms with one or two flowers then that is it, nothing else. It's not really "growing" either. It's kind of the same size but it does continue to come back, any suggestions?? I'm in Ohio.

A clematis question?

I'm wondering if it's getting enough sunlight.

Clematis do best in full sun, or at least afternoon sun if possible. It's said that they like to keep their "roots cool", but I've never found that to be an issue.

If your clematis is in shade, it sounds as though it's small enough to dig it up and transplant it to a sunnier location.'re not cutting it back to the ground every year are you? My friend has a clematis and couldn't understand why it wasn't growing much; then she told me that she was chopping it down every spring! After I told her not to, it flourished! The only clematis that really need this treatment are the enormous paniculata types.

If all else fails, treat your clematis to a biweekly regimen of Miracle Grow or other water-soluable fertilizer. But I really think that it doesn't like its present location. Good luck :)
Reply:I do cut mine back in the spring to about 2 feet above ground level and they grow like crazy. They get full sun and I mulch the roots. I'm in zone 5.
Reply:It's gonna sound weird, but my mom makes a cup of tea, lets it cool (regular, normal tea) and pours it on her plant about once every couple of weeks. Her clematis is gorgeous. Something in the tea has got to be good for it.
Reply:I have 3 climbing Clematis and they come back each year. I do fertilize them every Spring and water them when they are very dry. They have Big Purple flowers on them and are just Lovely. Mine are in Direct sunlight.
Reply:my neighbor has one on the south side of her fence...she does nothing that I can see...try searching the wed...just type in clematis and you will get all kinds of info that should help you ... hope you find what helps you......c
Reply:A clematis needs full sun, fertilizer or plant food regularly and something shading the roots. Mine are planted with a snowball bush so the roots are shaded. Hope this helps.
Reply:Sounds like a personal problem. You may want to see the doctor on this one.

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