Thursday 12 January 2012

CLEMATIS? Can anyone help me decide which one?

I've a few questions here really.

1.I want to grow a clematis around a window on the front of my house.the window is stained glass purple/blue.Is Clematis suitable?

2.Is the position o. k for clematis as I wouldnt say its a madly exposed sight but its not sheltered either.

3.The site gets pretty much full sun and I am on clay soil which is acidic.

4If not clamatis then I wouldlike a rose , but which one?

5. whats the best support for either.....hooks and wires or trellis?

AAARGH...ive longed for a garden for decades now ive got one i'm overwhelmed with choice and am dithering that much im acheiving NOWT!!!

CLEMATIS? Can anyone help me decide which one?
Clematis likes full sun but requires cool roots. They need something planted at the base of the plant. You can also use a thick layer of mulch (4 inches), a large flat rock also would work. Provide a trellis for the vines to twine around and hold itself up. (You may need to use twine and tie the branches up to get it going. There are over 200 varieties of clematis. Choose according to where you live. Clematis usually are not very demanding but do require a few things.

Full sun

Cool roots

Support (trellis)

Loose well drained soil

Lot of organic material (composted manure, decomposed ground bark)

Lime when a soil test says it needs calcium.

fertilize monthly during growing season.

Roses would work nicely also. Climbing roses or shrub roses. If climbing I would use a trellis.

Most roses like a soil similar to above. Well drained, lots of organic matter. They like full sun, regular watering, fertilize monthly during growing season.

You could easily grow both Clematis and Roses. My favorite rose is Knockout or double knockout. My favorite Clematis is Jackmanii. The purple and pink would be very nice.

Take it slow and don't stress out. Gardening is not about perfection or the right way or wrong way. It's about what you like and what works for you. Have fun.
Reply:Yes Climatis is easy to grow in pots. Check the colours out at a nursery so you can pick complementry colours and or colour. I grew in a smiliar aspect in pots and I fed them on hooks around the wndows. The colours were spectacular and they grew very well in the summer months..
Reply:My favorite clematis is the duchess of Albany. It has a pink/purple cup shaped flower and blooms from spring to fall. She doesn't like to be chopped all the way down but does need a trim to keep neat. I use a twine to train it to go up. Mine is growing on a trellis over a walkway. Roses have thorns. Good luck!
Reply:Wisteria really like full sun. Clematis like to have their roots in shade. Any climbing rose should be o.k. because they like full sun and grow well in clay soil. The support doesn't make any difference, it depends which you find easiest.
Reply:Clematis likes full sun so it should do well but you need to protect the roots and keep them covered. You might need to add some better soil where you plant it and maybe mulch around the roots.

This jackmanii seems to do well
Reply:go for a clematis montana reubens ..its super tough..and it grows really well
Reply:I think clematis would work fine. We have a native Clematis that grows everywhere around here. I think it's Virginia clematis; it has small white flowers and is amazingly fragrant. It reminds me a little of jasmine. It certainly prefers full sun. We have Pennsylvania clay, and our house was built on top of clay tennis courts, and this stuff still grows everywhere it can. I'm not sure about keeping the roots cool, but ours seems to prefer growing out of hedges, which explains that.

Otherwise, I agree that jackmanii is one of my favorites too.

I think hooks and wires are best. We tried a trellis for one, but the clematis can't get around something that big.

One person mentioned wisteria, but that is a slow grower. I think clematis is your best option, and probably the easiest to take care of. Just plant a couple low growing bushes near the roots to help keep it cool (maybe some azaleas?)
Reply:hi i have a Nelly Moser, its one of the older traditional clematis.

it has huge pinky/lilac flowers and flowers twice a year.

I also have clay soil and it is absolutely thriving, i had around 50 flowers on it last year all at one time.

I keep the roots cool by covering the soil at the bottom with slate chippings and other plants.

I started it on a sturdy trellis and as it has grown i now use garden wire nailed to the fence.

they are easier to care for than a rose and not so susceptible to diseases.
Reply:why don't you do both.but if you can only do one i would go with the roses.

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