Thursday 12 January 2012

What is the best fertilizer for New Guinea Impatients? I tried MiracleGro but it turnd out to be InstaKill !?

They are in hanging baskets, so I assume they should be fertilized every coulpe of weeks. Due to "washing-out" of soil. Can I use the same fretilizer for my Clematis? I understand they are always "hungry" ! The Clematis is a new planting (1st Time in garden) I am afraid of MiracleKill! lol Any recommendations? Brands? Time-release? Grandma's favorites?

What is the best fertilizer for New Guinea Impatients? I tried MiracleGro but it turnd out to be InstaKill !?
I like your humour.

For potted plants, Osmacote may work well, especially because they are little coated beads, not a powder you have to mix in water. Time release.

For a more natural approach, you can use: Synchronicity or Milorganite and apply this 3-4 times during the season, as they are not as intense as "Miraclekill".

Also, is your impatiens in the shade? Is it getting enough water? They like shade, and they like water.

Congrats on your first Clematis! I've wanted one for years, and right now am waiting till we have the deck and fence built before I plant one. (read: it'll be a little while yet!) lol

"Water deeply once a week in dry seasons. Vines need at least an inch of water a week either from rain or irrigation. Renew mulch to a 2-inch depth in late spring after the soil has warmed unless a groundcover or other method is used to cool the root environment. Work a good general fertilizer gently into the soil surface in spring. Do not feed clematis during flowering. In the autumn, a mulch of well-rotted manure or compost will be beneficial."
Reply:Color Burst Flowering Plant Food 15-30-15 especially made for blooming plants, bought it at Lowes, can also be used on your Clematis.

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