Thursday 12 January 2012

How to pot a bare root clematis?

I would really need some detailed "How to grow" tips on clematis since I am a novice.A friend of mine received her clematis bare roots yesterday and she gave me two.Since I didn't have time to plant them,I placed them in the fridge crisper.I am thinking of planting them tomorrow.Since they are a year old bare root,I have read that they have to be potted in a 1 gallon pot at least till Sept or Oct before moving them to their permanent location.I want to do this right so here are the questions:Can I use a potting mix the kind you get in bags from HomeDepot or Lowes that has a 9 month continuous feed mixed into it?If I use that, do I still have to fertilize with 5-10-10 and 10-10-10 (alternate) for 6 to 8 weeks?Do I have to add bone meal and other fancy amendments in the potting mix? Can I just stake a cane(my hubby's old drumsticks) in the pot for support or do I have to buy a small trellis? I don't really want since this is only a temporary potting.Help! Any detailed tips please!!!

How to pot a bare root clematis?
Clematis - the rule my sister told me is - the first year they sleep, the second year they creep, the third year they leap. Plant it right in the ground where you want it. It won't grow much at all the first year. The second year you will see some growth, by the third year the roots have developed and it will take off and start growing like wild. I put mine out in the spring. Yes fertilize them every 6-8 weeks. I didn't add bone meal or anything to my soil and they have done fine. If you plant it in its permanent home you can put a trellis behind it. I have 5 different clematis, they are great plants once they get going. After they are a few years old you can take cuttings off of them and share with your friends. Good luck.
Reply:Your friend chose well, enjoy. I have had them flower even when they are in their first year.

Do as previous answers say
Reply:I have never grown clematis in a pot for a year, I have always just planted them in the ground. When I worked at a nursery we always potted them bareroot as they came in, in early spring, but this was only to grow them on so they could be sold in a month or so. They do fine just planted in the ground. Be sure that the roots are shaded by some kind of mulch, it helps to keep the roots cool. Be sure and bury the crown of the plant about an inch below the soil and fertilize them with a good plant fertlizer like Miracle gro. You should prepare the hole well with lots of good compost also.
Reply:this is a very hardy plant, put it in area with alot of sun and it should do well. iplant them along a fence line and now they almost cover the fence.

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