Thursday 12 January 2012

Could someone recommend a climbing flowering plant for a very shady spot.?

I already have clematis elsewhere in the garden so would like something else. The flower bed in question also adjoins the house.

Could someone recommend a climbing flowering plant for a very shady spot.?
Shade vines are hard to come by. I did make a list of some a few years back but can't find it at the moment.

You didn't list you zone or where you are, so I just put everything down. Before selecting, be sure to check if they will work in your area:

Bignonia capreolata (crossvine)

Gelsemium sempervirens (yellow jessamine)

Smilax smallii

Hope this helps! :)
Reply:Thank you so much for taking the time to reply and attach these helpful links. Report It
Reply:Trouble with climbers in a shady spot is they always grow out towards the light, and pull the support down. i have a lonicera fragrantissima and a kerria japonica growing in shade, but as they are free standing I don't have a problem with providing and maintaining a support for them.
Reply:Try a Mandevilla, the Pink Mandevilla 'Alice Dupont'

It is a really beautiful vine with hundreds of deep pink trumpet-like flowers, and it seems to be in flower nearly all the time.
Reply:i have two shaded areas in my garden and have had great success with hydrangea (climbing hydrangea) and lonicera (honeysuckle). good luck hope this helps.
Reply:i have a shady area in my garden and i grow honey suckle their and when it comes out in flower it smells really nice.
Reply:Climbing Hydrangea Vine if you can find one.

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